Addiction solutions drug and alcohol rehab geelong - rehab at home
Providing affordable, evidenced based Rehabilitation options across Geelong and Victoria.
What is Addiction?
Addiction is present when a person uses alcohol and / or other drugs despite negative consequences.
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Family support
'Our whole family were provided encouragement, guidance and an understanding of what was going on'. Read more
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Helping someone reclaim their life is the ultimate gift. And it's the very gift you give by supporting the ASV Inc. Association.Read more
'Our son Marcus was using ice and coming home full of crazy energy, then going to bed for days. His behaviour hurt his younger sister and made our home life highly stressful. He was willing to talk to professionals only when he was coming down from the drugs but was too tired to leave the house. We were at our wit's end. My cousin, while searching for a rehab at-home drug and alcohol treatment program in Geelong, found ASV on the Internet and said they could make contact with Marcus at home. After a call with the ASV staff, we learned how to encourage Marcus to speak with Jason on zoom, and something happened. Marcus listened and said he would give the program a go. The program came to Marcus, and he could work it at his own pace. It was genuinely an individual program and available when we needed it. Marcus hasn't looked back. Thanks, Jason and the ASV team.'
A father.
ASV Alcohol and Drug Rehab programs - Geelong
ASV is governed by a board of directors who responded to community requests to create and develop an accessible, reputable, evidence-based drug and alcohol recovery program; they wanted to assist people in changing their lives for the better and achieving satisfying long-term success. The ASV directors are also invested in providing comprehensive support to family members and other people impacted by the drug and alcohol use or abuse of people they love.
We have been around since 2015 and, with support from community members, families and professionals, are firmly established as an effective program offering research-based long-term drug and alcohol recovery for people seeking positive change.
In 2020, ASV was approached by families in Geelong to expand its online services to Geelong and the Barwon Shire to meet the needs of local people. In response to these requests, we have begun delivering our evidence-based Rehab at Home program in the Geelong area and linked it to our successful best-practice telehealth and online treatment services.
Since our establishment, ASV has been assisting people in addressing their drug and alcohol problems, mending relationships with their families and community and developing and reaching goals regarding their general and emotional health.
Why Addiction Solutions Geelong?
Using our experience, skills and the well-researched Living in Balance program, we help people assess their needs. We co-create an individualised program that is available face-to-face and online.
Our clients benefit from ASV assessments, in-house and online support and effective referrals to appropriate community and private programs. They express deep satisfaction with their progress and new opportunities.
Our staff are highly skilled and credentialed; they are leaders in addiction. Their professional support is backed by Danya's Living in Balance program and our effective partnerships with private and public recovery programs. We are excited about working with people from Geelong and South-Western Victoria.
The ASV team includes an Addiction Medicine Physician (Specialist) and an Addiction Psychologist who provide this specialist support when required. All ASV staff hold an appropriate qualification for their role.
We also support families and others impacted by others' drug and alcohol use. The latest research suggests that family and friends can be the most critical factor in a person's recovery and that family and friends require support, education and empathy to maintain their health and stability. Our rehab-at-home includes information and support for family members and friends.
"With the growth in web-based and phone treatment services, supported by personal contact, people can co-design their comprehensive treatment plan based on what they need, and wherever they live, ASV is in a unique position to support any Victorian impacted negatively by an addiction to drugs or alcohol. Working closely with the individuals and families impacted by drug and alcohol addiction is a privilege; at ASV, our objective is to provide any person seeking support and positive change an authentic opportunity to achieve recovery sustainably."
Jase Bowman - ASV Manager - Drug and Alcohol Rehab Geelong 2022.
- Specialist Addiction Medicine Assessment and Treatment
- Specialist Addiction Psychology Counselling
- Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment Programs, our Ice-Breaker Program and Rehab-at-Home.
- Therapy and one-to-one supportive counselling – face-to-face and by phone
- Peer Support and Personal Mentoring
- Ongoing Recovery Support – Aftercare - Return to Life Program
- Family and Friends counselling and support
- Family Solutions Online Course
- Zoom education and support sessions??
- Effective referrals and links to appropriate community and private agencies and programs
"ASV programs and services provide affordable, evidence-based drug and alcohol rehab options across Victoria. The core program is delivered in the person's home where they feel safe, and their privacy is protected". - Jase Bowman - ASV Manager - Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment and Rehabilitation Center, Melbourne & Geelong 2020.
Experienced, qualified industry professionals deliver all ASV programs.
ASV is proud to be associated with the Melbourne Health & Wellness Institute, the Victorian Alcohol and Drug Collective, and the Addiction Recovery is Possible blog platform.
These affiliated sites and networks provide a collaborative network of professionals, individuals and families to share resources and information related to Addiction treatment and drug and alcohol services and support across Melbourne and Geelong, Victoria.
For more information, call Jason on 03 8374 7648
Email jason@addictionsolutionsvictoria.org.au -
addictionsolutionsvictoria.org.au - addictionsolutionsgeelong.org.au
"I didn't realise that addiction was a medical issue. I just thought that one day, like a miracle, I would wake up and stop all my addictive behaviours. Unfortunately, I turned 40, and that day still hadn't come. My wife and kids moved back to their mums and left me on my own; their message was clear, get your act together; it is us all the drugs. I was shocked and outraged, I complained to my best mate, and he sided with my family and told me to take a good hard look at myself. I started looking for an outpatient drug rehab near me. The next day I called ASV, the rehab at the home program was exactly what I needed; thank you to the amazing team at ASV; I have my life back on track and my family too!"
Steve & Family
"Seeking help for an ice addiction was the hardest thing I have ever done. I googled drug rehab Geelong and found a rehab at-home program that suited my needs perfectly; I am very grateful to the team at ASV for all the practical and emotional support they provided both while I was in the program and during the aftercare support process."